lauantai 22. kesäkuuta 2024

After a long time!


  Hello there! It's been a long time since I last wrote here. Sorry. Here are some old pictures from last winter. Ulla is not really my doll even though she is in the story. She is such a beautiful doll. I am so lucky to have borrowed this doll for my story.

  Thank you to all of you who have visited my blog. It means a lot to me. So thanks to you. I hope you enjoy this part of the picture story as well.

Picture story: She is our friend

The evening is getting dark. The night is coming.

Alice: *peeps out of the window between the slats* Where is she? Ulla!

Ulla: What now? *puts her hand gently on the girl's shoulder*

Alice: Avery hasn't come home. She went for a walk in the morning and still hasn't returned. I'm starting to worry.

Ulla: What!? You haven't seen her since morning?

Alice: I don't… She's our friend. We have to go find her. I'm really worried. *sobbing*

Ulla: * gently caressing the girl's shoulder* You are right. Let's go find her.

Alice: What if something bad has happened to her?

A moment later.

Alice: What if we can't find her? What if she needs an ambulance?

Ulla: Calm down Alice. The important thing is just to find her. She is fine. At least I hope so.

Alice: We have to find her before dark. It can be dangerous in the forest. All the predators might be on the move.

Alice: Avery! Are you here? Hi Avery! Avery! No… She’s not answering.. What if if-!

Ulla: Let's keep looking. We will find her. She can't be very far away.

Alice: Avery!

And so the girls continued to search through the night. Until dawn. Without success.

To be continued…

maanantai 3. kesäkuuta 2024

And the story continues


  Hello again! First, here's a picture of Daisy and Avery. I know, they looked different in the last post. I changed the appearance of the dolls a long time ago. 

  By the way, I was at the first doll meet yesterday. I was quite shy but it was a nice meeting. But now you get to read the picture story. I hope you like!

Picture story: The most beautiful girl

She was so beautiful. Hair like soft foam. Her voice was like a siren. The laughter is bright.

Eyes like-

Daisy: Who are you? *thinks about her words* No, I'm not angry. This tree is just very important to me.

Avery: Right, sorry. Why am I apologizing even though I haven't done anything? I'm Avery.

Daisy: And I'm Daisy. Nice to meet you.

Avery: Why is that tree important to you?

Daisy: It's, that.. A very special tree. Do not think about it. Nothing important.

Avery: Okay. I think I'm lost. Could you tell me how to get back to the city?

Daisy: You're pretty deep in the woods and I can't leave this place. Otherwise, I'd show you the way to town.

Avery: Alright. I'll find that way myself. *leaves to find a way back to town*

Avery: There was something strange about that girl. Something magical. She was perhaps the most beautiful girl in the world. Her smile and beautiful voice were almost intoxicating.

Avery: There's no time to think about it anymore. Gotta find a way home.

Daisy: Then you came back.

Avery: I came, by accident. I can't find my way home. Help me.

To be continued…

lauantai 1. kesäkuuta 2024

Spirit of the Woods


  Hello! Time for a post again! Today I am going to post the second part of the picture story. I still don't know English very well. But I still try to translate these stories for you to read.

  So I have already written four stories in Finnish. I'm Finnish so that's why. I have a big job ahead of me to translate all of these. These stories are really old. I have developed a lot since these stories.

  But now I'll let you read. If you want to understand my newer stories better, you should also read these old stories, because all my stories are connected. Wonderful reading moments in my blog!

Picture story: That's my tree

Have you ever heard of nymphs? About nature spirits?

Daisy: I can't go very far.. I can't leave my tree…

Daisy: Gotta go back.

Daisy: *starts walking back to where he came from*

Avery: I can't go home. I can't stand to face Ulla and Alice. So what do I do? Do I really have to look when someone else has everything I want…

Avery: * sits under a tree and starts crying * Oh Alice .. Why did you have to take her from me?

*notices a girl sitting at the foot of her tree* Who is she?

Avery: *cries and doesn't notice the girl who has come*

Daisy: *dare to ask* Who are you and what are you doing here? This is my tree.

To be continued…